I'm taking a breather here in Portland with my brother and his wife. I've had the luxury of spending most of the last day knitting,...

Tweed Jacket | Tweed Blazer | Tweed Blazer Women
I'm taking a breather here in Portland with my brother and his wife. I've had the luxury of spending most of the last day knitting,...
I'm off for a quick west coast tour - I'll be hitting up LA, San Fran, Portland and of course Seattle over the next 8 days. They...
I'm happily reveling in the cold weather. It seemed like such a long time coming and I'm glad to be wearing handknits in some way, ...
The knitting stalwart finally broke. Now I am back to my comfortable state of too-many-projects-in-the-basket. Ahhh, doesn't it feel goo...
because you know, there aint never enough around here. wahooooooooo *as per usual, more details behind the photos...*
I've been all over the place trying to get my latest EZ project in gear. The main problem is that there are too many things that I wou...
Saturday the weather was too beautiful for city dwelling. We jumped in the car heading North from Boston with visions of red leaves as our ...