I have a beautiful charcoal gray scarf on needles. It's probably going to be a Christmas gift if I can bear to part with it. (and they move Christmas to June) I do lurve me some cashmere! It's a little pattern I made up. I won't claim it as my own, because I'm sure it's been done before. It's too simple NOT to have been done before. If it is, I have no idea what it's called, and I've never seen it written down, but I haven't looked real hard either. Want the pattern? .......... OK

I'll call it
Steve's Completely Original, Never Been Done Before Scarf.
Cast on 38 stitches.
Knit 7 rows
Begin 6 row pattern repeat
1. Knit
2. K4, (P4, K1) six times, K4
3. K4, (P2, K3) six times, K4
4. K4, (P2, K3) six times, K4
5. K4, (P4, K1) six times, K4
6. Knit
Repeat rows 1 through 6 until scarf is as long as you like it.
Knit 7 rows
Bind off all stitches
simple, huh?
It makes a nice cushy textured pattern. It sort of reminds me of waffles. (mmmmmmmmmm, waaaaaaffles)
Let's see, what else am I knitting?
I have a super secret project for a very special knitting friend who gave me a TON of blue hand dyed wool yarn quite a while ago. She's getting some of it back after I get it knitted up. More info and photos to follow.

I'm knitting a toe up sock. I haven't turned the heel yet. There are plans in the works to knit a second sock to match the first. I'm using white yarn because it's easier to see, and it was in my stash. I think I may dye them with walnut hulls after I knit them. They may actually become kilt hose, as I have ordered myself a kilt from Alt.Kilt. Check it out. She's got a sweet little operation going, and a touching story about how she got started.

I'm knitting a top down, shawl collared cardigan for myself. It was going to be my 2010 SAFF Sweater, but that didn't happen. I'm using Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Aran, which pre-dates Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran, (for those of you keeping track), but it's pretty much the same thing. It's a beautiful shade of blue with purple, (that's right.... purple!) and turquoise slubs. One partial sleeve, One full sleeve, two button bands, and a collar, and I'm done. I'm teaching a top down sweater class this month, so chances are some of it will get done.

I'm working on a beautiful, INCREDIBLY soft cashmere hat for Miss Nancy. She's having chemo, and will soon need something to keep that noggin of hers warm. I'm knitting love and healing thoughts, (and I think maybe some peanut butter cracker crumbs), into every single stitch I make. LOVE YA NANCY!

OK, now I'm tired, and I've thought of about 10 other projects I've started, but not finished, and what am I doing instead of knitting? Blogging! That's OK. If I wasn't doing this, I'd be screwing around on Facebook or Ravelry.
Beautiful knitting work coleection with graceful colors and quality of material.
ReplyDeleteUtility kilts
it's just amazing.It is totally new idea on such big level.I really liked it very much. Kindly also check leather kilt