Hi Everyone! First I must apologise to everyone as it's been a very long time since I have last made a comment or a post due to my DH...

Tweed Jacket | Tweed Blazer | Tweed Blazer Women
Hi Everyone! First I must apologise to everyone as it's been a very long time since I have last made a comment or a post due to my DH...
My all-time favorite jobs as a photographer are those that involve shooting artists' spaces, and, of course, the artists that they house...
This is my Alpine Shawl, made from JaggerSpun Zephyr in Coral. It's about 75% finished. I've been working on it for a while now. I h...
I'm so happy to finally be able to share this project with you all - I've been starry eyed for it for months, but didn't want to...
Another hat with slouch, you say? Yeah, I was having a lot of fun playing around with that shape this season - it offered a fun variation on...
Ah, super bulky yarn - you really come through on the rare occasion that I need you. I recently came into a small stash of Soft Chunky by W...
As has become customary in the past with my knitting, in times of trial or heightened activity, the knitting swings back to its roots, and g...
Phew - it's busy busy busy around here! I feel terrible for such spotty posts recently, like all I've been doing is dropping in to ...
This season's second hat is quite different from the first, but a fun knit nonetheless and an interesting shape and silhouette to spice ...
September, for me, seems to consistently be a time for re-assessing my knitting direction. Time to circle the wagons, see what we've go...