The glorious red blob is finally shaping up into something really special, and I'm loving it. The spiral is, to me, a constantly intrigu...
A Handsome Triangle
Made in silk from Colourmart, which turned out to be really hard to photograph well. And I didn't have enough pins for the blocking, so ...

Measure twice, knit once
As I sit here re-knitting the yoke of my Cobblestone sweater, it finally dawned on me what I did wrong. In the pattern, the sleeve measureme...

I've been tagged for a meme
I always thought it was pronounced ME ME, (you know, like Mimi Rogers), because hey, it's all about ME! Found out today it actually ...
New Yarns. New Blobs.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all of your kind words on the past few posts. It's fun to finally get all this knitting out there,...

Got fiber?
I received a nice big box today from our UPS man. NO, it was NOT my wheel! (I can not wait for it to get here!) I received my first shipme...
Knitted Garter Stitch Blanket (AKA Big Squishy Lovefest)
Of all the things I've knit, I can't remember a time when I've been more smitten with a project. Sure there may have been thing...

My new wheel, and MORE!
Well, I've just sent off for my very first spinning wheel. For those of you who haven't seen this , check it out. It's a SpinOlu...
The Swisher
I really had to dig deep through the blog archives to see when, oh when did I even start this thing! I got the yarn when it was just release...

Stash reduction SALE!
OK, here we go. It's time for the big stash reduction/wheel acquisition sale! I spent a long tearful evening with my stash last nig ht. ...

Adventures in handspinning, Part 2
So I went to my first handspinners guild meeting yesterday. What a wonderful group of folks. It was a very large and informal meeting. Ever...
Shifting Sands
This one has been a long time coming, but I think it was worth it. Pattern : Shifting Sands Scarf by Grumperina [*via Ravelry ] Materials :...