Hello, my name is Alison and I am insane. I got this book a couple days after its release and I fell in love with a lot of the shawls, but for some reason the huge, Hexagon Spider's Web called to me. I told myself that it would be lovely in some of Webs coned alpaca silk. I'm in a purple phase, so I was thinking eggplant. I placed my yarn order and got the yarn and started the shawl. I worked on nothing else and realized, hey, I have a holiday party coming up and this purple will go lovely with a silver dress. So, I figured out exactly how many rows I had to knit each day in order to finish and block by December 2 and tried to do at least one more and neglected housework, husband and kids, but I did finish.

More details and specs on
my blog. I do love this shawl and I love the book and will probably do tons more in the book, but hopefully not at such an insane pace. I can't wait to see what else everyone is working on!
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