For weeks Adrian and I have been taunting each other with ideas of big, garter stitch EZ jackets. (Don't we all need one?) BSJ s and ...
For some reason I can't resist tacking an exclamation mark onto this pattern's name, no matter how hard I try. I finished this hat ...
Finally getting close to finishing
I ran out of yarn and I had to spin some more. But I'm finally getting close to finishing my first lace project (and would have done it ...
2 new projects
Here is my new project from this book. It is a drop stitch scarf. I wanted the edging longer so I repeated the edging pattern. Here you ca...

Home Stretch
I am finally closing in on the home stretch of my Cherry Leaf shawl. After many false starts with different edgings (I did not like the one...
First finished project
Here is my first finished project from this book. It is the Spider's-web shawl. I used kidsilk haze and increased the repeats till I ran...

Ready to start!
I am ready to start working on a shawl from the book, maybe I will start the lace rectrangle. I have two skeins of sea silk (will have to p...
The Victoria Shawl
.... is finally finished. I'd planned to get this done in time for Easter but failed and put it away for a while. Dug it out again on Mo...
Enjoy Your Long Weekend!
Just popping in to say hi and wish you a nice long weekend. I'm reserving Monday for knitting. Only. Rowan Wool Cotton And a little Fri...

Yet Another Scarf, page 80
When I first looked at Victorian Lace Today, I thought I was mostly interested in it for the history and that I was unlikely to get round to...
Alpine Lace Scarf
This project had a rocky start, with much drama and cursing and frogging. But after the 3rd or 4th time I ripped everything back, I finally...
There's Been Knitting
As knitters I think we're constantly in a state of transience between our sense of inspiration (impulse) and our sense of duty. We swin...
One Color Card to Rule Them All
Jamieson's Shetland . So this is what love feels like.

Scarf (page 80)
Scarf page 80 yarn: KnitPicks Shadow Oregon Coast needle: KP 24in size 3, and crochet hook G This scarf was really fun to make. The pattern ...
On The Up
Hey there! I've been out of commission for a few days. I got tonsillitis. It hurt. Bad. But things are back on track thanks to Dr. ...

Very green
My very green triangular shawl (page 32) is coming along nicely. I have 88 rows done so far. The yarn is quite shiny, so with the sun on it ...

Cherry Leaf Shawl
I started the Cherry Leaf Shawl a couple of days ago and am very pleased so far. I do plan to change the edging, though, but I have not yet...

Scarf (page 80)
Hello. I needed a little break after knitting big lace projects, so I'm knitting Scarf from page 80. The yarn I'm using is KnitPicks...