This project had a rocky start, with much drama and cursing and frogging. But after the 3rd or 4th time I ripped everything back, I finally reached The Moment: you know that instant when everything clicks, and the pattern knowledge begins to shift from your head to your hands? Now I’m enjoying it very much. The two patterns, border and center panel, require enough concentration to keep me un-bored but not so much that I miss my subway stop, and the repeats are fairly short which makes for a lively knitting rhythm.
I’m using Helen’s Lace, one of my favorite yarns. It has a slight sheen and a delightfully soft/crisp texture. I’m also thrilled with several new toys:
Addi Lace needles: Wonderful! Good points, seamless join, enough “grab” to keep stitches from sliding off.
Tiny stitch markers from Debra’s Garden are ideal for lace. Love ‘em, and Debra is a pleasure to deal with.
Knitting tote: The small Knowknits bag is sturdy and easy to stash in a handbag.
Mini crochet hook: Loose crochet hooks fall out and get lost. I discovered this cute little guy (one of three in a set) at Halcyon Yarn (scroll down). It’s nice to have it right there when I need to fix a mistake.
To keep the pattern close at hand, I print it on photo paper (both sides, so I don’t have to twist it) and hang it from the Knowknits strap. Yes, I’m a dork.
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