And up close, to show some of the lace pattern detail a little better...

And finally, a close up look at the diamond patterned ends...

Project Details:
'Alpine Knit Scarf' - from Jane Sowerby's 'Victorian Lace Today'
Approximately 5 and 2/3 balls of ONline Linie 164 'Java' in shade #05
KnitPicks Classic 3.0mm circular needles
Cast on 103 stitches instead of the original 121, and worked three double rose leaf patterns across the centre panel instead of the original four
Total number of repeats of double rose leaf pattern in centre panel: 58
I am beyond happy at the way this scarf turned out, as the final drape of the lacy, knitted fabric in this yarn once it was blocked was incredible and by far exceeded all of the expectations I had when I first started the project.The scarf turned out so well that Michael (my husband) still can't believe I gave this scarf away, but I knit it for someone who has had bad experiences with swaps in the past so I'm glad I was able to send her something to help restore her faith in people.
And of course I can always knit another one for myself, as for once I've had the foresight to buy enough extra yarn to do just that -- I always knew giving this scarf away when the time came would be difficult.
As you can see...

... I've already cast on and worked the first diamond pattern repeat of the second scarf, mostly as an encouragement to myself to work on it from time to time between other projects.
For anyone who is interested in more details on the 'Alpine Knit Scarf' I knit for for my ISE4, and some of the (mis-)adventures I had knitting it, they can be found here.
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