I've come to the conclusion that I don't have to have photos with every post.
Until I get a new camera, or my teenage son is home for more than 10 minutes, I won't be able to take any photos. So there...
I HAVE been knitting however.
I finished the pant legs for the scarecrow that The Atlanta Knitting Guild is putting together for the "Scarecrows in the Garden" show at The Atlanta Botanical Garden. (now I just need to get them to the person in charge!)
I've also finished my French Market Bag that I knitted with Louet linen yarn, but I have not yet felted my entrelac bag.
I finished a BEAUTIFUL spiral scarf! (a shop sample for Knitch) It's made with Prism Indulgence. (68 % silk, 15 % wool, 12 % kid mohair, 5 % nylon - heavenly to knit with!) Swing by the shop and check it out. LOTS of short rows, all garter stitch, fun and easy to knit.
I have been working on my SAFF sweater, but need to step up production if I want it to be finished before the end of October. I sort of got sidetracked by one of Jared's patterns at b r o o k l y n t w e e d. (thanks Jared) The Noro Striped Scarf. Super fun to knit! I can hardly put it down. Can't wait to see the next color combo. I used two different colorways of Kureyon. I will try to post photos of this, and all my finished projects as soon as I am able.
I received a letter this week from the sweet little girl I adopted. Here is her photo.

Her name is Chloe, and she lives at the Schacht Fleece Farm in Indiana. Apparently she's had a rough summer. It's been hotter and dryer than usual. (can you imagine! with all that wool!) The flock was given supplemental minerals, which are supposed to be beneficial during stressful weather. Unfortunately, Chloe ingested too much of the minerals, and had to be treated for copper toxicity! This can sometimes be fatal, but thankfully, they caught it early, and she's made a full recovery. Her fleece is now about 5 inches long, and there is still a month or two before she will be shorn. I'm having her fleece spun into yarn, as I'm not much of a spinner myself. Hopefully there will be enought to do a nice cabled vest or sweater.
Well, that's all for now. I'll try and be a little better about keeping y'all posted with what's going on. Have fun tomorrow, for all of those going to see The Yarn Harlot!
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