(does anyone think there may be a problem here?)
I counted and photographed it all, added the photos to Flickr, and entered it into the Ravelry data base this morning. I have to admit, I made a guess before counting, and I ended up with TWICE as much as I thought I had.
So without further adieu, and much fanfare, the grand total in yards is 57,041, which converts to 52,158.29 meters, making the winner;
Diana T, with her guess of 46,000 meters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will give Diana her choice of Rowan Summer Tweed in either Morning Glory or Gold.
I just want to thank everyone who played. I had no idea that SO many people read my blog. Sort of makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now I need to knit some sweaters so I'll be warm and fuzzy on the outside too!
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