Saturday, March 22, 2008

Maltese (Madness) Shawl

I knew the minute I saw this shawl, I would make it for my sister. There was just something about it that screamed her name to my ears. However, it was a challenge from beginning to end and was nearly the death of me! First, I couldn't get the color right and started it three times with three different yarns. Then, there was no rest row, a border that wouldn’t end and when the end was nearly in sight…a mistake! Not only did I end up ripping off the entire border, I had to reknit some of the actual body as well (don't frog when frustrated!).

I have never been so glad to get a project off my needles! It’s lovely but I’m convinced that only because it was for my dear sister is it a FO and not still a WIP! But she loves it and I’m glad it’s done.


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