Monday, January 29, 2007

Back in Business

I'm back in the states and have a whooole lot of catching up to do today. (Bloglines this morning? Ouch). Ireland was wonderful, as you would expect, despite having what I deem a gravely ironic deficiency of wool (at least available for hand knitters). To my surprise (and maybe yours too), I came back empty handed. It's probably better that way after all.

In Brooklyn, knitting is back with a fierce vengeance, I'm happy to report. I'm swimming in a sea of stockinette sweaters and decided to start something to satisfy my detail-oriented, cable-happy side.

Do you recognize it? This is the humble beginning of my new-and-improved Shedir. I completed my first one more than a year ago and gifted it to my bro for Christmas 2005. Since that was 13 months ago and I'm
still thinking about the pattern, I thought it best to start another. I'm not one for repeating patterns, but never say never I guess (especially with a design this clever. And this beautiful).

I'm making some significant changes to the original, learning my lessons from the last time - so it isn't an exact copy (the color, however, is. It's the best one in Calmer's palette. And if the shoe fits...) Speaking of this particular yarn, it took a Tubular-Cast On beautifully.

I'll be trying to clean out my inbox today. Thanks for sticking around for the duration of my little winter getaway. I'll leave you with one of my favorite shots from Dublin:

Lace Curtain

Happy Knitting!

P.S. We've got snow on the ground in Brooklyn, and not an unhealthy amount. Finally!


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