Anyway, babbling aside . . .
I've done about six repeats of the pattern, and I'm really getting into it. I don't have much accomplished yet, but I'm trying to do a pattern repeat or two every day, in my spare time. it goes, but it goes slowly. (Maybe I need to take a vacation from work to knit this thing faster. :D)
It's a fun pattern; simple, so I can knit while watching TV with no trouble, but it has enough variation that I'm not losing my mind while trying to knit it up.
I'm knitting it black Trio Dolcina yarn, which according to Google, doesn't exist. It's a German yarn, judging by the label, and is70% acrylic, 15% wool, and 15% mohair. I don't like the high acrylic content so much, but beggars can't be choosers, really, and I'm sure there'll be enough natural fibre content to block it out sufficiently. (I hope.) It's nice yarn, soft, with that mohair halo, but the yarn is a little fragile, and tends to snap if put under too much stress. Have to be careful with the blocking process overall, really.
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