Gracie has a brother or sister due this coming February! (that's right folks, 1 year apart) I also have a new nephew I haven't seen yet. My step-brother and sister-in-law didn't make it to the reunion last year. (we talked about them) I see lots of baby knitting in my future. (YAY!)
This year, due to financial restraints, we're staying with my Dad. (divorced when I was 3, not invited to reunion) In previous years we've stayed at a motel, where we retire each evening and try to regain some sanity. (basically I sit around in my underwear and knit) My Dad doesn't know I knit. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad. I'm just not sure I would feel comfortable knitting in his presence. His career went pretty much like this; Marine Corps, carpenter, police officer, fireman. (I'm not kidding.) I'm seriously considering leaving my knitting at home! But wait! "What about that 10-hour car ride?", you ask. It's a ride for Beth and Andrew, it's a drive for me. Yes, I could turn the wheel over to Beth. She has offered, but her driving makes me nervous. I just can't relax. My gauge starts getting tighter and tighter, and then I end up having to rip everything I've knitted. Andrew has also offered, but he still has his learner's permit, and has never driven on the interstate before. (yeah, don't think that's gonna happen) Don't get me wrong, I really do enjoy driving, especially when everyone else in the car is asleep. I just can't imagine going 6 days without knitting! Maybe I'll just bring a scarf with me, and knit after everyone's gone to bed.
Wish me luck.
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