The project that's bringing me the most joy to work on right now, is Jeff's Mosaic Sweater, (it's really my sweater, I have never actually met Jeff), from Morehouse Farm Merino Knits. I'm using Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Aran, color #412 "Thorny", and Noro Kureyon, color #178. The variegated yarn barely peeks through on every other stitch of every third row. The striping is subtle, but I really like it. The main color is sort of a dark brown/olive green. I would like to have this one done by the end of October so I can wear it to SAFF.
My next project also has a deadline, and a much sooner one at that. The Atlanta Knitting Guild has decided to enter a scarecrow in the Atlanta Botanical Garden's "Scarecrows in the Garden" competition. We are going to try to knit as much of him as possible. He will be wearing a big patchwork sweater, and I have volunteered to knit his pant legs. I have to admit, my hands are killing me. It's extremely difficult to knit with three strands of Red Heart ACK-rylic on size 15 needles. He's gotta be weatherproof, and I'm pretty sure Red Heart will hold up through 104 degree heat, rain, snow, hail, and nuclear fallout. I'll try and make it to the garden to get a photo of the completed scarecrow.
This bag, based on the Everlasting Bagstopper, (another Knitty pattern), is made from Louet linen instead of hemp. I decided I wanted to knit the handles on, instead of going out and buying and sewing handles on. (and, of course, that's where it stopped) I just need to do several more inches of garter stitch, and then either graft, or three-needle bind off, and I'm done. Now THIS is the kind of lace I like. First row knit, second row, YO, k2tog, repeat. Ok, I admit, it was a bit repetitive, but I didn't have to sequester myself away from all civilization to knit each repeat either. (are you sort of getting the idea of how I feel about lace?)
Many thanks to my son Andrew, for taking the photos today. I really appreciate him helping me out. Before we finished, he snapped a quick shot of some of my stash. I really need to pull it all out and get an inventory so I'll have it ready for when I'm invited to join Ravelry! (only 12,965 people ahead of me ..... any day now!)
Wow, that's a lot of yarn. (yes, it goes all the way to the ceiling) Ain't it purdy? (I'm also thinking of all the stash you can't see in this photo) OK, I'll admit I have a problem. (that's the first step, right?) But I'm really trying to not buy any new yarn, (unless there's a really good sale, and it's something I really need), and I'm really trying to knit from my stash.
I just need to learn to knit faster.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
I was asked to post the recipie for this extremely yummy dip we had last night at the knitting group meeting. I think we agreed to call it:
Beth's Knitch Dip
4 c. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
2 cans Rotel tomatoes
1 - 4 oz. can chopped green chilies
1 - 2.5 oz. can chopped black olives
6 green onions, chopped
1/2 c. chopped parsley
1 pkg Good Seasons Italian dressing mix
Drain off and set aside some of the liquid from the Rotel tomatoes.
(you may add it back in if the dip is too thick)
Mix everything together and refrigerate at least two hours.
(unless you're really hungry, then just go for it!)
Serve with chips, or veggies, or just a really big spoon.
(yes, it's that good!)
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