Thursday, January 22, 2009
11:30 AM

a trip to the hospital

Last night, about halfway through Lost, my wife started having severe chest pains. By 11 pm we were sitting in the hospital emergengy room. After checking her heart, lungs, gall bladder, and heart again, all systems were clear. Fifteen hours in the emergency room, but it's nice to know she's in nearly perfect health. We still don't have any idea what caused the pains. I have to say that EVERY single person at the Gwinnett Med Center in Lawrenceville was wonderful. The ER seemed to be super busy, but they still took the time to explain everything, and Beth felt really well cared for. If you have to go, (and I hope you don't), I hope your experience is as good as the one we had. The patient is now resting comfortably, propped up in front of the TV, with remote control in hand, and I am attempting to finish a sewn bind off on a toe-up sock. (no, I didn't bring my knitting to the ER..... damn!) Tomorrow it's back to work, and hopefully I'll see some of you knitting at Knitch tomorrow night!

.....and now for a little nap.


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