Saturday, January 3, 2009

foggy day

WOW! It was really foggy all day long, but sort of nice for a change. I mean I wouldn't want it to be like this every day, but every now and then.....

We got up early and caught a matinee of Bedtime Stories. Beth really likes Adam Sandler, so Andrew and I went with her. It was a cute movie, but not the usual type of movie I go see.

We got back home, and I headed into work for a couple of hours. I've been off for a week, and I didn't want there to be any surprises when I walk in at 5 am on Monday. (no, I didn't win the lottery........ this time) I also know I wouldn't have been able to sleep Sunday night just thinking about it, so I cleaned up and organized a bit. It really wasn't that bad.

There was a package waiting for me there, and I couldn't wait to open it. I discovered, via Ravelry, a couple of knitters here in the Atlanta area (Norcross), that also make the most wonderful scented soy candles! I ordered Tangerine Lemongrass, and just plain Lemongrass. (I lean toward the more citrusy scents) The Tangerine Lemongrass is burning right now, and it is so fresh and bright and clean and tart. LOVE IT! Check their website out here. It was hard to pick out two from the many scents they offer. The candles are $12.50 each (they're a nice size) and you get free shipping!

Next it was off to the airport to pick up Claudia. It's so nice to have her back! We had a nice drive from the airport to her house, so I got to hear all about her trip. Hermine and Noah sure were glad to see her.

Now I'm home, and in my PJ's. Can't decide if I want to knit or spin. I am sort of getting the urge to cable, I just need to find a project.

I'm off to work at Knitch tomorrow. If you're looking for something to do, come knit with us for a while.

See you there!


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